Office Translator Features

Office Translator Features. Office Translator: High-quality document AI translation (50+ Language) for PDF/DOCX/PPTX/XLSX/EPUB/SRT/PO/TXT/XML/JSON/XLIFF/HTML, preserving layout.

Key Features From Office Translator

  • PDF / DOCX / Pptx / Xlsx / ePub / SRT with ChatGPT Translator

    Office Translator utilizes the power of ChatGPT Translator to accurately translate documents in formats such as PDF, DOCX, PPTX, XLSX, ePub, and SRT. This ensures that the document format is preserved during the translation process, allowing for seamless multilingual communication.

  • Intelligent Translation

    Our translation process leverages large language models (LLMs) to enhance semantic understanding and application, resulting in significantly improved translation quality. Office Translator focuses on more than just word-for-word translation, ensuring that the meaning and context of the document are accurately conveyed in the target language.

  • Affordable and Efficient

    Office Translator offers cost-effective translation services. Translating a document of 20,000 words (Tokens) costs approximately $1 and can be completed within minutes. With our efficient translation process, you can save time and resources while ensuring high-quality translations.

  • Free Preview and Satisfaction Guarantee

    We understand the importance of maintaining an excellent presentation in your translated documents. That's why we offer a free preview of the translated document before you make any payment. You only pay when you are fully satisfied with the translation results.

  • API Integration

    Seamlessly integrate Office Translator's file translation functionality with your system using our simple API. This allows for easy automation and integration into your existing workflow, saving you time and effort.

  • Private and Secure Storage

    At Office Translator, we prioritize the security and privacy of your translated documents. Your files are securely stored and can be accessed anytime, either through mobile or computer, ensuring confidentiality and convenience.

  • Collaborative Translation

    Invite members to join your organization on Office Translator, enabling seamless collaboration and convenience in translation. Work together to achieve accurate and efficient multilingual communication.

Office Translator's Use Cases

  • Translate PDF Documents

    Office Translator is ideal for translating PDF documents used in various industries such as software technology, finance, law, and international trade. Ensure effective communication and understanding across language barriers.

  • Preserve Original Format

    With Office Translator, you can easily achieve multilingual translations while preserving the original format of product manuals. This allows for seamless distribution of accurate and consistent information across different language markets.