MailEcho Frequently Asked Questions

MailEcho Frequently Asked Questions. MailEcho: An AI Tool for Reclaiming Inbox Ownership by Archiving & Labeling Sales/Promotional Emails.

FAQ from MailEcho: Addressing Your Queries

What is MailEcho and how does it work?

MailEcho is a cutting-edge AI-powered email filtering tool that automatically archives and labels inbound sales and promotional emails, allowing you to regain control of your inbox.

How can I start using MailEcho?

Getting started with MailEcho is effortless. Simply click the "Get started" button at the top of the page, sign in with your Google account, and configure your preferences.

Does MailEcho store my emails?

Rest assured, MailEcho prioritizes your privacy and never stores or logs your emails.

How long does the setup process take?

The setup process is quick and seamless, taking no more than 2 minutes to complete.

Does MailEcho work with email providers other than Gmail?

Currently, MailEcho is compatible with Gmail only. However, future plans include expanding to other email providers.

What sets MailEcho apart from Gmail's built-in anti-spam filters?

While Gmail effectively filters out spam and phishing emails, MailEcho specializes in eliminating cold-inbound sales and promotional emails. This makes it particularly valuable for sales and marketing professionals seeking to maintain a clutter-free and focused inbox.

Why should I choose MailEcho?

MailEcho is the ideal solution for sales and marketing professionals who receive an influx of cold-inbound emails. By leveraging AI technology, MailEcho streamlines your inbox and ensures you never miss crucial emails, allowing you to stay productive and organized.