OCR Convert - Chrome Extension Frequently Asked Questions

OCR Convert - Chrome Extension Frequently Asked Questions. OCR Convert - Chrome Extension: Convert images to text with OCR. AI tool for easy and efficient text extraction.

FAQ from OCR Convert - Chrome Extension

What is OCR Convert?

OCR Convert is a powerful optical character recognition (OCR) extension designed to capture and convert images into text. It provides a seamless and efficient solution for extracting text from various sources.

How to use OCR Convert?

Using OCR Convert is straightforward. Simply upload the image you want to convert, and let the extension extract the text for you. It's a user-friendly tool that makes text extraction a breeze.

Can OCR Convert recognize handwritten text?

Yes, OCR Convert has the capability to recognize certain types of handwritten text, depending on the clarity and style. While it may not be able to recognize all forms of handwritten text, it can still provide valuable assistance in extracting handwritten content.