FAQ from Mi cuento digital: Personalized children's stories with AI tool.
What is Mi cuento digital: Personalized children's stories with AI tool.?
Mi cuento digital is a platform that utilizes artificial intelligence (AI) to create personalized children's stories. With our AI tool, you can select the character's name, adventure type, and learning goal to receive a unique story made just for you in minutes!
How to use Mi cuento digital: Personalized children's stories with AI tool.?
Using Mi cuento digital is incredibly easy. First, choose the name of the main character for the story. Then, select the type of adventure you want the story to have, such as a treasure hunt or a space journey. Lastly, choose the message or learning goal you want to convey through the story. Once you've completed these steps, simply click on generate and you'll receive your personalized story in just a few minutes.
Can I use my own text in the story?
Currently, you can only select the character's name, adventure type, and the message to convey. However, we are working on new updates that will allow you to add customized text to the stories.
How long does it take to generate the story?
The generation of the personalized story using artificial intelligence only takes a few minutes. Once you have provided the necessary information, you will quickly receive it in your email.
How many characters can I include in the story?
At the moment, you can only select one main character for the story. However, we are also working on options to include more characters in future updates.