Free Doc Translator Frequently Asked Questions

Free Doc Translator Frequently Asked Questions. Free Doc Translator: Translate PDF Documents Online - AI tool for quick and accurate translations!

FAQ from Free Doc Translator

What is Free Doc Translator?

Free Doc Translator is an online tool that allows you to translate PDF documents quickly and accurately.

How to use Free Doc Translator?

To use Free Doc Translator, create a free account, choose a file, select the original language and target language, upload the file, wait for the conversion to process, and download the translated file.

What file formats can you translate?

Free Doc Translator can translate all major digital document formats, including PDF, DOCX, and InDesign. It can also translate scans of documents from photo formats, such as JPEG (JPG) and PNG.

Will USCIS accept your translations?

Yes! However, USCIS only accepts translations that are done by human translators. Machine translations cannot be certified and notarized.

Can I upload my documents electronically?

Absolutely! Free Doc Translator accepts scanned copies of your documents as well as digital photos, as long as the entire document is visible and legible.

How large of a document can I upload?

The file upload limit for Free Doc Translator depends on your plan. The FREE and STORAGE plans have a limit of 50Mb, while the PRO plan allows you to upload files as large as 1Gb with a maximum of 5000 pages per document.

Is DocTranslator free?

Yes, DocTranslator is a free online translation service provided by Translation Cloud LLC. However, there are paid options available for more advanced features and higher volume translation needs.

I don't have a scanner, how can I scan my document?

No worries! Free Doc Translator accepts photos of documents taken with any smartphone camera, as long as the entire document is visible and legible.

Is this secure?

Absolutely! Your communications with Free Doc Translator are always encrypted, and your private documents are handled with utmost discretion. Only authorized personnel have access to view your documents.

Do you offer customer support?

Yes, we do! If you encounter any problems or have any questions, simply email our support team at [email protected], and we'll be happy to assist you.