Flojoy Studio Introduction

Flojoy Studio Introduction. Flojoy Studio: Automate test, measurement, and control of hardware devices with the leading open-source desktop app. Enhance productivity with this AI tool for circuit boards, oscilloscopes, and more.

Flojoy Studio Website screenshot

What is Flojoy Studio: Leading Open-Source AI Tool?

Flojoy Studio is an innovative open-source desktop app designed to automate test, measurement, and control of various hardware devices. From circuit boards to oscilloscopes and function generators, Flojoy Studio empowers engineers with an AI tool that enhances productivity and streamlines workflows.

How to use Flojoy Studio for Enhanced Productivity?

Maximize your productivity by downloading Flojoy Studio, the leading open-source desktop app. With over 700 supported benchtop instruments, sensors, motors, cameras, DAQ boards, and DMMs, you can effortlessly connect and harness the power of automation. Even without any coding knowledge, you can build and run powerful Python-based engineering and AI apps for test and measurement automation.