
EasyMark: AI Tool, Essay Grading for English

EasyMark: AI tool, essay grading for English teachers.


EasyMark - Introduction

EasyMark Website screenshot

What is EasyMark?

EasyMark is an innovative AI-powered essay grading tool specifically designed for English teachers. With the ability to grade essays in just 30 seconds, EasyMark saves teachers up to 90% of their time while still providing detailed feedback and ensuring fairness in the grading process.

How to use EasyMark?

Using EasyMark is simple and efficient. English teachers can effortlessly upload essays to the EasyMark website, and within just 30 seconds, the advanced AI system will provide personalized feedback and comprehensive error lists, helping teachers identify areas of improvement for their students.


EasyMark - Key Features

Key Features From EasyMark

Effortless grading with detailed feedback in 30 seconds

Support for PDF files and customizable rubrics

Capable of grading up to 750 essays per month

Designed by teachers, for teachers

Use Cases of EasyMark

Efficiently grade a large number of essays while providing personalized feedback

Save valuable time on grading, allowing teachers to focus on other important tasks or spend quality time with family

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    EasyMark is a leading company in the field of AI-powered essay grading. To learn more about us, visit our About Us page.

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EasyMark - Frequently Asked Questions

FAQ from EasyMark

What is EasyMark?

EasyMark is an AI-powered essay grading tool developed specifically for English teachers, enabling them to efficiently grade essays in just 30 seconds. This saves teachers up to 90% of their time while providing detailed feedback and ensuring fairness.

How to use EasyMark?

Using EasyMark is simple. English teachers can conveniently upload essays to the EasyMark website, and the AI system will grade them in just 30 seconds. Teachers receive personalized feedback and detailed error lists for each essay.

How does the tool work?

EasyMark utilizes advanced AI technology to analyze essays and provide comprehensive feedback based on custom rubrics and grading scales. It ensures accurate and consistent grading, making the process efficient for teachers.

Why should I use EasyMark.ai?

EasyMark.ai is an indispensable tool for English teachers as it saves them up to 90% of their grading time. This allows teachers to focus on other essential tasks or enjoy more quality time with their families, enhancing work-life balance.

How are the essays graded?

Essays are graded by EasyMark's AI system using custom rubrics and grading scales specifically designed for English teachers. This ensures fair and consistent evaluation of student work.

What file types are supported?

EasyMark supports the grading of essays in PDF files, offering convenience for teachers when uploading and assessing student work. It streamlines the process and ensures compatibility with common file formats used in education.

What types of essays are supported?

EasyMark supports the grading of various essay types commonly used in English classes. It provides teachers with detailed error lists and improvement suggestions, facilitating targeted feedback for student growth and development.